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Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 04:14:55 No. 20176
Can anyone hack Google photos?
I went to the trouble of finding a password hash online, cracking it, and got fucked in the end by 2 factor. 10 years ago it would have fucking worked!!! Fuck I'm so pissed.
>>20178 How about a Dropbox account? And what if the person doesn't use two factor? The person I have in mind might not
>>20181 If no 2 factor your best bet is to look at sites like dehashed and intelx.io and see if you can find a password hash. Crack it with hashcat or something and see if it's a password they use for other stuff too
>>20182 Drop box has a lost password function that asles some extremely specific info about the account. If you have extreme knowledge of the account it may be an avenue
>>20181 The password i actually cracked DID fucking work for a drop box but I was yet again fucked by a 2 factor to the Google account I couldn't get into either. Fuck!!! So fucking close yet so far away.....
>>20182 Bro I typed the email into intelx have no clue what I'm looking at lol just a bunch of black squares. Can you help me please
>>20184 I'm very new to this and have zero experience
Any free version of intelx
>>20202 Are you asking if there's any free version or just telling my that's the solution? This is OP by the way. Any help would be appreciated
>>20203 Asking if there’s a free
i've been doing this a long long time and I can tell you with certainty there is no way to do it anymore since like 2018. 2fa fucked it all so there's no point driving yourself crazy
>>20217 OP here. Can You do the email I have in mind by any chance?
>>20220 did you not read what I wrote or
>>20221 Sorry man, I did yes. I just feel like the person might not have 2 factor
>>20223 You don't really have a choice with Google anymore. If you log in from a new device it will 2Fac the phone.
>>20225 Every motherfucking thing is 2 fac. Emails, clouds, cloud storage. Every fucking thing. I found 4 emails that all used the same password and got 2fac fucked on everything. I got into some shitty clothing website account and THATS IT. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Sim swap is the only way but good luck doing that
