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Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 20:56:49 No. 20318
Anyone know how to hack someone's icloud?
>>20318 Nobody can hack an icloud. The patched all that multiple password attempt shit and 2 factored everything a long time ago. Not happening.
>>20322 Dam there's like no other way to get someone's private phots huh
>>20327 That was as close as I've ever come and as close as I'll ever get. What kills me is I know shit exists. Killlllls me. Oooof.
invent a time machine travel back to 2014 when it was possible
I was still using eppb in 2018/2019 - at that point 2fa wasn't turned on by default, but since then they have it on by default. eppb would pull data off the phone, its software LEA use
'Twas the night of the Fappening... August 31, 2014. That's when everything blew up. A certain board here existed back then, where many anons were participating in such a sport. Apple, now hearing about all the sus due to the media frenzy, finally enforced 2FA by default soon after, hence ending all the fun. I get your sentiment :)
>>20550 /stol... those were the good old days
