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Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 12:34:01 No. 11362
Post new wins and I’ll post 3 vids including the BJ vid… can’t always ask but not give
What other vids do you have of Tay? Love her. Have unposted ones in my phone
3 stripping vids,one flashing vid, bj, and a strip dance vid.
Wish shd had vids of her getting fucked floating around
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Can you post a SC of her strip dance vid?
Lets see Tay
Nicole white for tay?
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I’ll post more when the vids drop
Bump, nice to see some of her when she was younger 😋 how did you get those? Anyone here ever get lucky enough to buy straight from her way back?
>>11395 Bumpp, need more. You got a way to hit u up
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>>11395 >>11395 Just post the stuff here I am not trying to talk to yall I still have more as well these arnt even the best ones
I only have whats been posted already. Hoping buddy drops the vids though. Nice to see unposted ones of Taylor. Wild how many men have her nudes
Any chance you could drop one more unposted full body nude? Doesn’t matter how old it is
>>11404 Y’all have got to be joking I am the only one to post something new of hers in months >>11404
I dont think anyone else has anything new or unposted of the whore
Those bikini pics are hot!
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I made her try them on and show me
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>>11417 lol keep banning me loser
>>11422 he can ban you whenever he wants, he so strong he made a girl try on cloths!!!!
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That’s the last of what I have
Good godd…
>>11422 What do you mean keep banning you?
>>11424 Fuck though Tay looks good in those. Do you have the full size ones? Just curious.
Already blown my load a few times today to those. Thank you bro.what year are those from roughly? Jw
Knew dude wouldn’t drop any vids
Those are legit from her depop. Dude didn't "make her try them on" lmao
What are Taylor’s socials can’t find her on anything
Sn@p- Taylormurph7736 Sadly she deleted her instagram. She does have her thrift insta account “tjthrifts_”.
We need more nudes
go (fil3) .to/ JqN4/ taylor-m1.mp4
Do you have the full video? She sucks cock well 🥲😩😋
Bump for the vid
>>11479 Doesn't work
Bump. Let’s see that vid!
Need more nudes of Tay. Such a whore
Why didnt the vid get posted? Is the guy all talk?
Can we get some more of her? My goodness!
I agree. This girl has taken so many dicks
Her nips are pirced now too 😍
Are they really? Where’d you see that
Meh. Pierced doesn’t do it for me. Hopefully she didn’t ruin that sexy body lol
You can see them in a see through shirt on her tictok
What’s her TikTok?
i liked her better without the tattoo’s
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Back on Seeking. She’ll do anything for money. I don’t get why she doesnt have OF or sell content still
Would definitely $$ to hit that does she have any other socials?
Need to bump this thread again. Come on boys
Bump. Whose got more Tay Murphy
Back to the top…we need more!
