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Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 07:10:22 No. 5807
Any Sofia Dattilio? Gotta have some floating around
Someone has gotta have some, or I hear she sends them all the time
You think she'd send if asked ?
Oh big time!!
What did you use for that?
Bump, huge ass!
anyone ask?
Bump- absolute whore
True. I know she was fucking college guys when she was still in highschool
Hear she is selling nudes and videos. Anyone know if this is true?
I doubt it sadly. Where did you hear that? Would be a dream come true if she was
she knows about this thread, so tread carefully.
How do you know the little whore knows?
I hope she actually know’s she is on here. I’ve cum to Sofia more times than id like to admit
>>9969 She texted me the thread
Lets see her messsage. Like i said im glad she knows
Bump for this babe
We need them. Can only jerk off to her insta for so long 😩 thankful when she drops bikini pics. Fuck her body is nice..
Anyone following her on insta able to post any new pics? She made her insta private recently :(
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Sofia is so sexy. Built for taking cock
Yurrr yurrr
I just wanna lick it from the back
Yeah id eat her asshole whether it was dirty or clean.
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Im sure she takes cock like a champ
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Somewhat ashamed to say I’ve jerked off to all those before on her insta. Sofia is so sexy. I cum extra quick when it’s something she just posted to
God her ass looks like it fucking smells good.
She got a man? Her instagram have anything?
Her Instagram doesn't have much on it anymore because she deleted most of these pics. Save them in case she deletes more.
I'd let her peg me and eat a creampie out of her asshole.
>>11602 Pegging, maybe. But eating some other dude's cum? Hell nah. That's some gay shit.
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She was looking real good in her halloween outfit
She has a boyfriend now
What a lucky man
