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Oshkosh thread :( 06/14/2023 (Wed) 22:17:34 No. 20872
Used to have over 200 uploads. Someone start it again!
I’ll post what I have if someone post M 0 r g @ n —- Walker’s 0 - F
What’s her OF name?
Eva or Camilla M?
>>20876 I have Camilla m3vis..a good amount
Do you have Morgan?
>>20877 You'd be a god for posting
Will post Miranda N with the tats for Morgan’s 0 f
Does she even have an of?
Yes and so does her sister Megan, will drop her name too
What’s Morgan’s of @? I’ll buy as much as I can
I would spend so much on Morgan tonight and share is someone post her name
Does anyone have chri$tin@ 3ckes??? Huge boobs
Morgan or her O F name and I’ll drop some goods
Drop Morgan’s of name
Morgan please
What about Maria? Big ass titties
>>20872 >>20886 Her sisters onlyfans is great we need hers
>>21120 What's the OF?
>>20913 Mods stop deleting my shit this is my third fucking try at posting MFaggotr.g.a—n’s of is kelseybarrett
>>21268 if you have iz zy E- return i'd lose it. or any of her uwo friends
>>20872 Any other oshkosh onlyfans accounts out there?
>>21272 What's her real name??
Fuck that we need wins
>>20913 Drop that goods brotha
Personal favorites: vvnessv.xo peachdazee tbjoy missbatyourservice Princesspinky69 alexisfoxxie sailorfox31 pink_alien_8 mshaydenjade tessajane/tessajanefree xbrittx playbunny222 chelciaadams stag_mrs u150836014 luvtrixy ahilt Vixygirl sarahadskey itgirlll69/itgirl01 littlemisschaos13 lillyvig getlostinwonderland
Holy Shit! Can you share more Morgan? I’ll buy some too and share
Will drop the entire Izzy E set for custom Morgan’s! Let’s got
morgan was on a sugar daddy website not too long ago. guess she went to onlyfans lol
What’s the sugar daddy site? Any vids from there?
Better come through with those Mevis wins
>>21311 Izzy has an of???? What’s the name
Want to see me? :) >
>>21328 And who might you be?
>>21333 Nic_n@ckp@ddyw@ack Found on an archive, wonder if anyone has more
(35.56 KB 144x144 IMG_6646.png)
@ashl3y k
>>21311 morg and meg for izzy e lot more pic to come for izzy
Wanted the custom Morg, DM pics or vids. Cuz Izzy is a massive set and I’ll dump it all
>>21364 how bout dump just some izzy for the morg pics
Because the Izzy is all in one folder that I’ll drop. And those Morgan’s are cheap on her wall. Post some good customs or DMs with tits and I’ll drop the full Izzy. Make it good, Izzy is amazing
>>21390 I’m not even apart of this thread but dude just post everything who cares what everyone has. Just help everyone…
>>21334 Bump
>>21390 Bruh I don’t think you have Izzy. Post a censored pic or some shit
>>21390 lol all morgs stuff is the same like her "custom" dms are just the same tit pics over and over with like maybe one pussy pic which is already posted. how about the link to megans cam work and ebony b.'s pics ?
>>21423 I'ved pimed ebony a few times and nothing comes up. She must not use face in her pics. Megan who?
(3.05 MB 2300x2631 ebony1.jpg)
(1.82 MB 2873x2206 ebony14.jpg)
>>21424 megan w has a lot of cam work ebony has a ton with face
>>21423 hard to find her cam work but here's one. //archivebate dot com /watch /420787
>>21427 wtf she doesn't show up on pims. where are these from
Good work Bump
>>21428 How about meg cam shows?
>>21427 where are you ebony pics from I can't find shit
I like Morgan’s tits, post the tit DMs then then I’ll post Izzy
>>21436 ebonys pics are from her onlyfans its been deleted now though but I have tons of pics/videos from it pretty much every morgan pic sent out has been posted? what other ones could you want?
I don't understand what all this talking is about... post what you got or get the fuck out.
Anybody got hailey huisman?
There’s no shot this guy has Izzy
Anyone have Abby
>>21480 There’s a lot of “Abby’s”
Any V@n3$$@ C? vvnessv.xo
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>>21508 I guess I’ll be the plug for Osh haha
Got Izzy in a m 3 g @ f0lder I’ll drop it for 5-10 DM or custom Morgan pics. Just nothing from wall
>>21516 who is this Izzy chick everyone keeps talking about?
>>20872 Does anyone have k@tie m1llers old OF stuff?
>>20872 Any one have the brewer sisters from ripon?
Anyone have Olivia’s fat tits?
(559.69 KB 828x834 IMG_4766.jpeg)
still trying to see t3ss d’s sexy body
>>21579 Bump
>>20872 We need some more from 2012-2015 grad classes
>>20872 Any one got br3@Nna F big tits?
Any Chelsea j@g3r?
>>21643 Bump
here you go
>>21643 Bump
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Anyone have Brydgette Williams?
>>21513 Any more to share?
Any Dani Jo?
and another one
(494.62 KB 828x1088 IMG_4954.jpeg)
>>21603 anyone got t3ss
>>21898 where is this from? got any of her nudes?
Her private collection. She did a nude/boudoir shoot and sent these to a few guys she fucked. Feel bad for her hubby, her holes have a lot of mileage and she wasn’t afraid to use her tongue anywhere.
>>21945 any full nudes?
>>20872 Anyone got anyone else ask your friends lol don’t let this die so many more girls from 2012-2015 classes
>>22090 Bump
>>21348 Bump for more @shley k
>>20872 Bump for any other west/north girls
(34.41 KB 540x675 FB_IMG_1689368664136.jpg)
Anyone have any ©ourtn3y b®o0k5?
>>20872 Any Sydn3y m@rcini@k?
>>20872 >>22523 Bump bump and just dumb who you have
>>21579 Bump or l3xi rule
>>22719 Does she still have a OF or you got anymore?
>>22725 That’s a bummer she’s hot and heard she got new boobs. Do you have anyone else?
>>20872 Bump
Anyone got T@y10r $h@rp? goes to uwo
>>20872 Any one got k@tie Mill3er or her friends?
>>22835 I have c@rli z3rnz@ch
>>22841 let's see the goods lol
>>22845 Bump
Oshkosh west girls 2012 to 2015
>>20872 Bump
Anymore V@n3$$@? Any In@?
>>20872 Bump
>>20872 Bump
Anyone have L@uren T
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>>23385 Lauren p got married might be t now
>>20872 Bump
Any of Anna k? UWO
T@ylor >>23416
>>20872 There’s so many hot girls and so many with OF in oshkosh how is this thing not poppin
T@y10r $h@rp please goes to uwo
Ch3lse@ b!ll!ck OF Cbaby0909 Anybody got anything?
>>24738 well bump that shit then !!!
>>24740 Bump
>>20872 Does anyone have girls that you can post
Anyone have N@om! Gund3rs0n
This needs to get revisited…
Yes. Let's revisit this thread
>>21427 More??
anyone got T@yl0r $h@rp?
Who got M3l F3l!x wins?
How many V@n3$$@ ¢03y wins are out there? What other 920 OF girls are out there??
>>28655 Slynnr —- the fattest ass
Let's keep this thread going. Post why and everything y'all got
Who got B3th $h@fer wins?
M3g@n 0k0n? Went to UWO. Stories or pics?
Br!¢3 J0n@$ from UWO wins?
>>21304 Friskyblonde1
>>28722 Bump for dumps
Someone's gotta kno or have wins of M3l@n!3 F3l!x!
My@ H3$$ wins? Or her mom?
sorry, wrong board lol
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Any morgan?
>>20872 What happened to the king that had all the Lourdes girls
>>29243 I’m still here. Just waiting.
>>29266 Who else do you have and who are you looking for?
>>21348 Bump
Anyone have P4r1s Sch4f3r
Any M0rg4n P3t3rs
>>29365 Bump
(35.51 KB 403x403 IMG_1579.jpeg)
M0rgan S
(34.66 KB 320x597 IMG_1586.jpeg)
J@d@ S
Why does H3@th3r keep getting deleted?
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Z4IDA or l.zzy E?
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>>29536 More J@d@ S
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Need other oshy wins, here’s more j@d@
M3l F3l!x for the WINS?!
Who's got S@m S¢hnid3r wins?
Absolutely need @shlyn urb@n OF pinkbarbie123
Someone be a hero n post @shlyn urb@n OF pinkbarbie123
Somebody be a hero n post @shlyn urb@n OF pinkbarbie123
B@il33 H@rdy or M@dd!e/M@d!$on R3!ter from UWO wins?
Izzy E? Care Grune? ISO Oshkosh North
Mady Sawick?
Any Br!tt@ny Schni3der or M3l F3l!x wins?
Walmart worker, used to sell
(1.21 MB Shower.mp4)
^^^ BUMP
She have an OF?
>>31445 Moar
Whats WalMart workers name?
T@yl0r $h@rp Uwo please
Walmart workers name is Søndr@. Went to school with her and have always wanted to see dem tittes! Bumpin for more!
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>>31444 Had to dig though old drive for these.
>>31490 Bump for more
Bump the Walmart gurl!!
@m@nd@ Z3ibell wins
I have @m@nd@ h@wl3y and @$hl3y br@nd3nst3in wins. I'd kill for @m@nd@ zi3bell wins.
Bump for more of the Walmart gurl
@m@nd@ Z!eb3ll wins bump
(125.07 KB 1080x1920 FB_IMG_1714778463336.jpg)
Any Heather wins?
Still praying for M3l F3l!x wins!
>>31926 Bump
Somebody needs to have Mel F3l!x!!
M3l@nie Fel!x wins!
Bump for M3l@nie Fel!x! Would luv to see that too!
Any L!s@ K!ng wins out there?
Bumpin for any Osh920 girls
Spread the love <3 >>22841
Dump the wins
Anyone want to put some M3l F3l!x wins up?!
>>33250 no one has them stop asking
>>31926 i wish i knew my login for an email but never set up a recovery but i had one.
Let's get this thread poppin!! Let's see them Oshkosh girls!
Anyone got A$ht0n L@mb3rt before the kids and drugs??
Kati3 mi113r anyone? They have to be out there
Looking for any of the Ni3v3s sisters. Y@s3ni@, @lex@, or L!l!@n@.
Why's no one sharing any Oshkosh sloots?
>>33396 I wonder if bartender wins exist
>>33326 She had a Of
(135.19 KB 650x1054 IMG_0542.jpeg)
Made a Em1ly halliday fake today
does anyone have any wins of t@y10r sw@ns0n?
>>33654 major bump for sw@ns0n
>>33617 Fake or not that’s amazing always wanted to see her ans her phat ass
Anyone have Em!ly M3yer wins?
>>33617 any wins of g!g! b@rn3s?
Anyone got any Gr@ce Sch1uter wins?
This thread has been dry af. Let's get it goin again!!
We need to rebuild after the other thread was nuked. Can we get some $@br!n@?
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Bump for any/all Oshkosh wins
$ydn3y M@k! Wins?
Who got M3l F3l!x wins, OF or insta pics? Someone gotta have em.
Anyone have V@ne$$a C03y wins or current OF?
Any Anna Marks wins???
>>34303 Bump
R3bekah A?
Any My@ H3$$ wins out there??
Does anyone have Jam1e P1err4rd?
Does anyone have ANY Oshkosh wins?! Literally anything??
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any l3@h p? used to go to uwo
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>>34536 i take it the of is no longer active?
>>34538 She didn’t do much with it even when she was active
>>34545 Is it worth subbing to see what was on there?
Mikayla's new tits
>>34588 Bring back the old ones
@bb!e D!em wins?
There's gotta be some wins of this beauty
Looking for Br!tt@ny Schn3!d3r wins. Redhead from Oshkosh
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Used to do an OF some years ago any wins?
Any @bb!3 L0wn3y(D!em) wins floating around??
Anyone have an pics of her fat ass?
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Slut definitely has wins
>>35139 Big bumppp
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Who’s got these sluts???
Bett got more?? Or any of her friends OF??
any wins of any of the Vanh00f sisters???
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>>20872 got a crazy body
>>35229 I have some TVH. Not sure if she has a sister.
>>35266 I think there's 4 of them but could be a cousin? idk post away though lol
>>21427 Bumping for more ebony
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>>35338 House centipedes are neat but she kind of ruined her awesome body with that tattoo
Nicole S@lchert? Anise $hipl€¥?
Brenna G from west?
My@ H3ss from Osh North?
Still waiting for Izzy E
Still waitin in M3l F3l!x
>>35377 Bump
>>35381 Who that?
L3sl!e H@zelw00d wins??
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(1.60 MB 1217x2103 IMG_2379.jpeg)
C@rly Rog@lski?
>>35381 Bump
UWO onlyfans?
>>35385 Brush she died a long while ago
Yeah, so preferably wins before that
M@ddi h? She’s a slut someone’s gotta have em
Any J3$$ica H!ll wins out there before she got fat??
Bump for liňdşąy h@rm
Any Il@n@ Milos? Class of 2019 north Or her sister Grett@ class of 21
(2.56 MB 1170x1898 IMG_9146.png)
>>35356 >>31468 Not the best but what I saw in another
Any north or west? classes of 2017-2022?
Someone got M3l F3l!x wins yet?
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Any H@nn@ Gr@y wins?
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Anyone know this girl? Obsessed with prison dudes use to see her for while
Any Ol!v!a $kogl!nd or Emmy Car!ck? West class of 2017
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Looking for mel
>>35523 What’s her OF?
>>35635 She looks like a crack whore... I still want to see her wins tho
Anyone know who the sexy little Asian girl is that works at the Asian market on Jackson??
@nise ship pics? Used to have OF What about Hks18/ Sweeting pics?
Izzy E? Br!@r D c/o 24’?
Let's go ahead and post some M3l F3l!x wins?
>>35959 what was an1se OF name
>>21513 any more to share?
>>35966 obviously no one has anything. stop asking
>>35635 back when someone ran 920snaps she use to post all the time.
>>36062 How bout you stfu and suck my balls
Taylorr.sharpp goes to UWO
>>36068 you ask for the same person every few weeks, obviously no one has them
I know there's wins out there. I'm just hoping the right person comes along and grants my wish
(196.50 KB 546x1080 FB_IMG_1727384749125.jpg)
Any wins of @bb!e D!e(L0wn3y)?
Anyone got S@m Sh@rpl3ss wins?
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Len@ Found some pictures floating around but looking for more
>>36491 Biiig bump
>>36491 What’s her username for fans
>>36527 It was babybrooklyn1 but it’s either shut down or you need a vpn
Anyone have @espressomama90's OF wins?
>>36892 The mother of all bumps
We need more UW0 girls
Let's get some more Oshkosh wins... I posted quite a bit now it's your guys turn
Any Osh North/West wins, between 08-2010??
>>33954 She use to have a reddit account but deleted it
>>20872 Katelyn Cornell had a OF for a minute was queenk143
>>37162 Bump
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>>37162 bump
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Anyone got the content
Need gabby frey's OF name. Ik it exists
Anyone got Lily K?
>>37418 Rhymes with?
>>37427 Ruger
>>21752 bump. i remember seeing censored nudes here
>>36891 Love these of J@Z F. Post more is you have them
Maddi h, she’s too easy there’s no way she doesn’t have nudes floating around
Heard there’s a few N@tosha Kn!ght wins around?
Still bumpin for M3l F3l!x... They ARE out there not no one is trying hard enough.
Who got wins of Tr!$t@ R0b3rtson or K!r@ @l3xandr!a? I know K!ra has been posted before, so let's see some more!
>>37522 Obviously you're not trying hard enough if you're the only one posting for them.
>>37522 I’ve checked pimeyes so I can shut you up, they’re not out there
>>37784 Until I see wins, I will never be silenced!
>>37800 Desperate lonely person here wanting them. Just buy them for yourself
>>37841 If I could, I would.
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Any @mand@ or J@ck33 wins??
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Can we see some K!r@ wins!? I bet those are amazing!
>>37969 Bump for K!ra
(64.00 KB 828x828 FB_IMG_1732474426105.jpg)
Who got H3ath3r?
>>37976 I have a hairbra someplace
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Any of Sarah out there?
any hmong bitches?
>>37969 Bump! Would love to see all of her!
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Praying someone has wins of Be¢¢a! I want to slap dem titties around and snack on dat ass!
Bump for any Osh wins
Bump for Bèççà
>>37969 Someone posted a tit pic of her awhile ago. Maybe he can re-up the pic. Hopefully there's better wins out there
>>20872 There’s so many sluts and hot girls from 2011-2015 grad classes let’s see emmmm
(683.18 KB 1536x2048 IMG_0553.jpg)
>>38103 Bump she’s hot
>>38129 Who's that and what's her OF
Any of this girl!?
>>38129 Any videos
(28.72 MB 1_IMG_8893.mp4)
>>38148 You da man keep em coming
>>38148 2 things wrong with this video... 1) dude didn't even take his sweater off. 2) I'm pretty sure she's fucking a child.
>>38148 Any of her swallowing??
>>38129 V@ness@ blew me for some blow while her bf was at work a few months back. Haven't heard from her since lol
>>38151 You're retarded
>>38161 You must be the child she's fucking in the video
(746.64 KB 1080x1434 43.jpg)
Bumping with br3nna F for more br3nna
>>38207 Massive bump for this one! Does she have an 0F??
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>>38103 > (675.55 KB 1284x2272 IMG_2455.jpeg) (814.53 KB 1029x1364 IMG_2466.jpeg) bumo more of her plz
(83.06 KB 612x957 FB_IMG_1733518311333.jpg)
>>20872 H@nn@ Bucks0n and her juicy floppy tits?
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@ng3l @lc0rn
>>38230 Damn, thanks! Anymore?
>>20872 and K1ley wins? she ran track for UWO
(4.69 MB 1290x2796 IMG_4306.png)
>>38246 crazy body on this one
(1.20 MB 1284x1700 IMG_4765.jpeg)
@ubrey? Ripon->UW0
More br3nna. Did anyone save her videos
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Anyone got 3rin? From Oshkosh
>>37976 Shes on Bumble and Tinder. Someone has to have something
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>>38275 Bump for that fine ass
>>38285 Bump
>>38283 Damn she sure gets around lol
>>38285 Who is this ?
Anyone have her? Big ass
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>>20872 Anyone got k@tie m1ller old OF?
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>>38421 Name?
>>38421 Holy shit! More?
>>38421 More of her please. Of?
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>>37507 Bump
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Anyone got any of k@ila
>>20872 >>37969 Bumpin to see more of her!
Let's keep this Osh thread going! Post any and all wins!
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any Ilan@ M!l0s class of 19 north
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Morgan west class of 21?
any asians wins?
>>20872 Bump
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S@m h@ns3n she goes by svmxoxo
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Anyone got shit on this hoe? she’s been around, I got some looking to see who els.
>>38750 Been lookin for hers
>>38780 hit it before have a few pictures, only going to share if others do heard she’s been with tons of people, so I know there out there
>>20872 Bump
anyone have 3liz@b3eth B3y3r?
>>38978 38237 is her
>>38978 Also 38103
Sid0n!e K!nt0pf??
Looking for nic, got lots of osh to share
I've got wins of D@n@3 B. From North high 2017. She's no I zzy but, hey! Wins are wins. Should I share?
>>39031 Yes please
>>39033 Here's one as a sampler. She used to have an OF, think I've got more somewhere. I'll see if I can find them
I've got tons more of D@n@3, just need to know they're wanted. Bumping this to check for interest
>>21945 anyone got wins of tess
>>39059 Which tess?
Anyone got wins of Ell!3 l3@fgr3n? Onhs 2016 class
>>39062 dorlack I replied to her pics
>>39061 dorlack replied to her pics
>>39047 Share them or don’t. No need to make a game of it
>>39070 Sorry, I just didn't know if she was desirable. I didn't wanna leak her if no one wanted them.
Leak em! Interested in other north too
>>39092 We definitely want them
Alright, nice to know people are thirsty for her :) I've got more. Maybe in exchange for some pics of l!z@ H, !zzy e, or Maise / m3g@n p.
>>39110 Seriously. We need the 1zzy E leaks.
>>39110 Fuck yeah let’s get this going again tons of girls
Add @ mishnoomp on s n a p for more d@n@3. Wanna talk to people who want her 😈
Anyone have wins of 3m1ly R0th3? North high 2014?
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>>39268 Yes please!!
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>>20872 Found this in the Appleton thread anyone for K@tie Mill3r when she had OF?
any cbaby0909?
Let's get some more Oshkosh wins up in here!
(2.25 MB 1960x3484 Snapchat-1416484339.jpg)
Gorgeous slut and she meets
>>38597 Who got more of this one??
willing to btc or c4$h4pp for osh class of 18 wins. if anyone has OF links I'll buy and share for free.
>>40013 Same here for class of 20
Any other sites with nodes by state? This one kinda dry
Any k3k3 Murphy?
>>40105 Bump hard always wanted to see her tits
Bump for Maddi H
>>20872 Bump this was such a good thread
Let's start posting those Oshkosh wins again... Shits been dry for a minute
€hl0e St3w3rt wins?
