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Anonymous 01/05/2025 (Sun) 21:02:27 No. 10481
KJ8xwiXhaDY 20 min and 39:15 Can someone get a clear frame on her?
its too dark you know you can go frame by frame with the , and . keys right?
>>10482 Im on mobile
best is at 20.10 it's not dark, it's a full bush
there's other videos in that yellowish dress that show more bush too
>>10529 Post them plz
>>10481 How do yall decipher this haha, I have no idea
FkizZ0-iyMI 46:08 is that a nip slip
People are idiots. They made comments to her so she deff won't do anymore slips now
>>10553 Yip happens all the time here. Just don't talk to them. Let them do their thing. There are a few total dickheads on here that just do what they can to fuck things up.
HfmkxlyQN_E 0:55 full view
How I can see this link?
>>10564 holy shit! I just came on the ceiling!
fucking absolute retards, every time.
>>10564 Anyone saved it to gf or something?
>>10568 Why? It's still up
>>10565 Fr bro I have more idea
>>10564 >HfmkxlyQN_E God bless America!
>HfmkxlyQN_E Is this down? It’s saying not available?
>>10594 What is this?
more slips and time stamps... looks like some comments are gone?
Yall fuckin suck
>>10611 She legit got new dresses in her short. The pussy slips would have been better in those but asshats are ruining everything
>>10610 fucking stupid 89iq morons can't shut the fuck up, good job you drooling retards.
>>10618 She just made another video, chill out.
Yer but now she knows that there has been slips it will be less likely there will be more because it would be on her mind
this is why people gatekeep, because of morons out there who cant just watch and enjoy, they have to go too far
she didn't delete the old videos lol
