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sparkle 01/07/2025 (Tue) 04:58:59 No. 10525
sparklerose is back dif account still making same old vids
whats the name?
how fucking annoying to say someone is back and not giving the link
What's the new name? I have some of her priv vids she sent me
>>10555 How about posting them?
>>10555 Post them or don't even mention them
they did post the account but it got deleted super quick
Dont post the account, maybe just post the code to a video on the new account.
Really? I mean REALLY???
Yes! I love 30 yr olds with huge bushes under their arms and between their legs
>>10602 this but unironically
any update?
hope i get to see some sag boobs
How do you guys even find her new channels? Tried searching myself, but found nothing.
>>10555 Still waiting
>>10732 I forgot about this thread. Here is one.
oh damn nice, any more?
>>10744 Do you know her new channel name?
>>10744 Hi just curious (as I'm sure everyone is) - in your conversations with her, did you get a sense of her actual age? Nobody is quite sure which story to believe.
>>10742 Very nice
>>10744 Thanks
and now shes back but no one will give up her new channel name ☹️
i doubt she's back, just some retard trying to bait
>>10767 she replied to a comment on her main channel a few days ago so it might be true
>>10768 Which video she comment on?
Not sure why the last video I posted and comments about her were deleted.
>>10789 maybe post a bunker? or gofile?
Hi she deleted all social media her twitter facebook youtube insta and snap accounts are all deactivate or inactive. she gone
she got tired of doing the age play crap, and high demand for nudes lol
>>11147 not true >>11150 let me guess you're the guy who thinks she got a fake ID to make her younger? you're a fucking idiot
>>11153 I think it means that she's obviously 25-ish and she never realized any monetary dividends from showing her stuff and acting stupid so she cut her losses. Good riddance.
>>11168 bingo. someone with a brain
>>11153 whatever helps you sleep at night lmao
>>10525 >>11147 lol she still talks to me, ya js sad tbh
>>11264 Ignore that guy, some of still want to see her. Post if she sends you anything.
>>12418 Ignore the haters, you're a hero to me
>>12418 Hero
>>12418 keep it up bro
