too many hater tards making claims without any support. If youre going to comment at least make it meaningful, otherwise youre just guessing.
Why the pic could be real: it's legal for her to take pics of cum on her face, even cock in her mouth since her nudity isnt showing. So OP post the pic with the cock in her mouth.
"Looks terrible" why? It seems like a lot of cum. But could be possible. And notice the drip down her neck, turned black because it mixed with makeup from her face. I dont think AI knows how to do that, plus it is behind strands of hair which is extra complicated.
And if you still think it's fake, then post the original.
Either way, if they are this good of quality, then OP pls post more and tell us the story: who cummed on her, paid or free, relative or stranger? Did she do a cum walk after? lol