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Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 21:59:02 No. 2697
where’d the yogscast thread go?
too much bitching I imagine, we just want some content :(
Unfortunately people think it's a space to share their shit opinions. I'm sure another will appear
The pictures kept getting deleted, so of course it was just talk
Where can you get the pictures that isnt onlyfans then now. sad
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I wanna see more of Lydia
>>2733 She's amazing
How long before we see a full masterbation video from osie?
oh lawd im back you fucking faggots lmao at gee melting down on live rn because her stream didnt work wonder whos getting cancelled next surely not her edgy bestie ISP and his friend rimmy wonder if they have logs of her being too based for twitch im loving the twitch sphere being absolutely up in flames rn as all of the yogs scramble for new income im an official hatewatcher now its so much fun again niggers tongue my anus jannies seething
>>2742 something is definitely happening behind the scenes they are all sadposting hard today yogs taking more of a cut? shutting down? somebody did a nono again? sjin related? wonder if jk rowling is tryna go after them like a few she already has sued for libel or just somebody they like played hogwarts? the mystery o0o0h
Twitch changed the 70-30 split to 50-50 so I guess everyone is stressing
>>2745 thats old news though, most of them knew before the public did and that started the OF wave probably im fully speculating but i think something has likely happened over the past few days
>>2746 But it's only come into effect recently
She has. There is one on thothub, only 1.20 long but it looks like it’s part of a longer video which might leak at some point soon
>>2742 >im loving the twitch sphere being absolutely up in flames rn as all of the yogs scramble for new income explain
Anyone get a dick rating from mousie or lolxp?
>>2750 Got more Osie? is the OF worth it?
>>2781 wheelchair porn arc incoming she must be livid over how much money and attention osie is making
>>2779 yes
>>2782 About bouphe and Osie? I'm pretty sure bought already explained on a stream how it's OK for them to cash out on the sexualization because it's "consensual now" aka they make money from it
>>2783 Have we seen her new tits yet?
>>2786 bouphe has been a hypocrite with everything she has said and done there is no way she is ok with onlyfans content because she would have done it years ago
>>2788 i'm ok with people eating pineapple on pizza, but i'm not gonna eat it myself am i a hypocrite with everything i've said and done?
>>2787 No they are still healing
>>2789 Buy you aren't saying that while putting pineapple on your pizza and then complaining there is pineapple on your pizza
>>2789 I wouldn't bother arguing with him he's an incel
New Boba leaks?
>>2801 those who live in glass houses...
Anywhere to get the rest for those who haven't had a chance to save anything?
Has boba started doing nudes yet? If she has I'd def resign up
Bouphe is hot as fuck
>>2813 meh
>>2733 Lydia is fuckin thicc >>2813 Bouphe has great fucking legs, I wish she showed more
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Lydia is a goddess
>>2877 She gets hotter every set
>>2877 I'd break every single one of my fingers if it meant Lyds would sit on my face
i fucking knew the boob job was a bad idea i knew they could be botched but look at the state of those nipples, fits the yogs they look like a pair of bleached jaffa cakes glued on actual mental illness levels of body mod from ose, the lips look like fuckign shit as well sad day for my dick
>>2810 from activity on other forums shes started doing less it seems shes barely even streaming any more unless its on other channels, wonder if shes dodging a tax bracket because of her raking in from OF either way nobodys sharing that shit atm so its either all dms tied to one person who cant share or just not worth it at all or there isnt anythign to share
>>2912 I am still hopeful for a good recovery.
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>>2931 Love mousies fat ass
Does anyone have lydias birthday ppv?
>>2941 which thread? yogscast girls general just has people asking to post it
>>2941 Excellent
>>2961 they always have a reason too but its becoming a year long list of reasons why they aren't streaming look at the engagement on their excuse tweets, all of the fans are tired of it too
>>2962 Stop watching then faggot, they don't give a shit about you, stop being such a parasocial dumb cunt
>>2963 calm down marc lepine
>>2963 why do only the women seem to cancel stuff bouphe's even tired of the same people replying the same get well soons on all of her posts shes not turning comments off because of bad ones because there never are any
>>2972 bouphe cancel again lmao
>>2972 Because there lives are s-o hard and difficult. 1 entire thing happened that day so the can't strea
Anyone else notice Lydia trying to edit her last few pics on her last post?
>>2977 based understander >>2978 yeah lol I will say there's a chance its from the pic being a video Not allowedshot and the waves a huge scam!!! being from rolling shutter, but I doubt it lol seen elsewhere and I agree, if its shooped lews vs unshooped insta worthy pics I'll take the former anyday
>>2980 No on it right now Did you get banned?
>>2979 Idk man the shopping stuff ruins it for me. Might as well just jerk to fake shit
>>2982 yeah i'd be pissed if i was paying I ain't gettin off to underwear pics either way lul
>>2972 lol ose cancel literally they need to stop scheduling any of these women they are the least reliable employees I've ever witnessed
SC still dead
>>2992 i figured it out Change your DNS to 1111 1001 or dns.google if it asks for URL and not IP something must have happened with the site worked with a vpn for me too if the dns change doesnt work and then you can get to the help thread of people mentioning what worked for them to fix
>>2989 they're self-employed, they can and do whatever the fuck they want
>>2998 Lmao I never understand people answering like this thinking the sound smart lol. Yeah we all fucking know they are self employed dipshit it'd still shitty
>>3000 it's evident that you'll never understand most things, even if you try very hard
>>3001 It's evident that you will defend every criticism of these people that aren't your friends, even if it's truthful criticism
>>3001 Lmao OK my dude. I'm sure your are the smartest boy on all of 4chan. That's why you are trying to talk shit in a fucking thread about wacking it to internet thots
inb4 ose cancels again last minute idk what the fuck shifted but reliability is at an all time low for the whole group tell me not to watch or whatever but I almost aren't even when I try to with the amount of cancels
>>3008 not me saying this shit when like 8 of them are live and on time rn zozzle
boba should make a twitch channel and try streaming sometime lol
>>3008 >>3012 The yogscast has been flakey for years now ever since they shifted to whatever the hell they are now They are more of a drug riddled social gathering
>>3019 glad someone is willing to acknowledge its different to a couple years ago unlike all the superfans in denial bouphe planned to stream this weekend but now her mom cant visit she's taking it off? like what? feels like any excuse to cancel every time these days
>>3021 Covid seemed to really knock the wind out of a lot of yogs sails. I think that they got used to doing nothing. The yogscast twitch channel has only just started putting up a consistent volume of streams after at least 2 years of nothing and even then its less than before and lower viewership.
>>3027 yeah its a shame because i just missed all of the best times when there were saturday colony and like 6 streams on at all times i think they must have drastically changed contract stuff too like none of them seem to want to do main channel stuff either because of the pay
>>3027 if they did a full jingle jam again and went straight back into a schedule in the new year i think they would recover easily its a shame really its like they are winding down on every front at once like i even pay for members vids and that shit dropped off fast to being just nonsense vlogs and there hasnt been a member funded public video in such a long time like even their taskmaster knockoff has had like 2 episodes months apart, rather than a fully filmed run of episodes feelsbadman
sarah yogtok in liverpool isn't tom bates from liverpool hehe im startin shit gem doesn't follow her too tabloidge
>>3050 Lol imagine
>>3052 he's from Birmingham not liverpool, I just remembered lmao my conspiracy ree-
>>3053 Crumbled before it even began. Sadge
who else wants to anally Not allowed lydia??
It's not as fat as Boba's or Mousie's but it's shaped so nicely. The way the underwear sits on her ass is amazing.
daf and sarah doing a stream together Time to fuckin ship boiz nodders
hi uncle dicksuck
lol pedguin posting test on twitter because he thinks he's shadow'd because engagements down from him never shutting up about wizard gaem
boba took OF link out of her link thing anyone know if shes actually quit
>>3122 It wasnt like she was releasing anything worth the money anyway. Her wall posts from 25/26/28 consisted of 9 pictures all in the same outfit on her bed in boring poses she always does
>>3123 true as fuck
osie sucking a real dick video to big to post here
>>3144 Post it on m0mless and share link
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Anyone got the osie dick sucking vid?
>>3162 check simpcity my post here with a direct link to the vid got removed lmao
Boba is throwing in the towel.
>>3175 i think she meant to make this post last month since she uploaded jack shit that was good in march
wow the boba simps really be here in force anything i post negative about her gets zapped lmao
>>3191 i member wen she posted her twitch income acting like that was all she was getting and then deleted it, bit weird i think she's complain about being poor if she was a billionare
>>3200 I cannot fucking understand how these people whine so much about their lives
>>3201 what I understand even less are the people who defend them to the end of the earth and turn around and call all critics parasocial
I'm surprised Boba didn't just marry Ped to stay in the country; like Mousie married Zylus to stay in the Netherlands.
>>3221 Ped talking about moving soon whenever he talks about his house lately, wonder if they have plans I still suspect bobas Airbnb was Peds place
>>3161 That's for sure Dunc
>>3224 i wan2 beleev
Would be cute if it was honestly
>>3292 Did you buy these or find em?
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anyone else noticing that dip in viewership now the OF has all settled in? Almost as if everyone got what they were after and dipped, I know I did lol
>>3315 I mean the have been making the same videos for years an most of them reschedule streams 3 times a week. Who tf would watch still
>>3316 yeah they should do like a no games week or something and bring in some regular IRL or cooking, i think that would be cool
>>3292 its giving dwarfism
>>3224 LOL! Dunc is a big fat guy. This is her boyfriend, the guy who manages her onlyfans, who takes all her photos, who replies to your messages in onlyfans, who manages her tells and gets her to add her tatoos yeah? The guy who takes all your simping cash.
>>3326 Have you met a woman before?
>>3144 >>3326 Duncan isn't fat anymore, but yes the rest is correct
>>3326 she lives with her mom still and is always too busy to stream so I'd bet your putting a bit too much stake in how much her BF is really doing lol I doubt it's dunc though in the vid, not sure it's who people think her BF is either though hes a dark haired guy and the guy in the vid is like blonde everywhere
>>3327 Why do you ask? Nothing in the post was about Osie, just her boyfriend and Dunc
>>3334 she lives with her mom still and is always too busy to stream Why on earth would a middle aged woman with a boyfriend and loads of money coming in from her sex-work live with her mother? She doesn't stream because she doesn't need the money from it. Too busy doing what? Fucking her boyfriend? Does she even use the "too busy" lie anymore? Isn't it usually a 'headache' or 'too tired' now?
>>3340 well she still does maybe she's not spending it I wouldn't, it's not exactly a job you can do until retirement age she went to bristol to film yogs stuff and now shes in vegas, seems pretty busy to me
>>3340 bro why are you so triggered, if you don't like her move on there are plenty of other thots out there
i wonder if boba quit because i sent links to her onlyfans to all of her relatives that i could find on facebook
>>3349 Get therapy you fucking creep
>>3349 lmao >>3350 seethe moar, she made her choices
>>3349 spill the tea did any reply? lol
>>3350 sez u
>>3342 I know you're a bit dumb; maybe you stalked her. But no, no she obviously doesn't
>>3356 Shutup medair you retard
Not a single win in the whole thread. Are you virgins retarded?
>>3373 yeah
>>3373 >fans of the yogscast >being retarded checks out
>>3397 ahahha true get what you give and all
i don't want to post anything because the trannies at cuckcity will repost it there
>>3424 Most of that stuff is posted here
Boba posts her hottest pNot allowedn months and it's free on twitter lol. I wonder why she quit OF if she clearly still craves attention
>>3656 'Hottest post in months' man this censor is strange
shit website
tongue my anus jannies
fukin gay cunts
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>>3706 How long before we get a full on porno
>>3717 That and 3704 are from videos, but they're not yet at the point of filming multiple positions or with multiple cameras.
>>3721 I feel like it's going to be a while. Osie is a total slut and loves to show her body off but she isn't good at the business side so I think we'll be stuck with hot 2 minute clips
all of the false heroism boba and ped do is finally catching up with them what a beautiful day
Let's be honest it comes down to a reddit popularity contest, so they're fine. Already being defended.
>>3783 turps did the same thing and where is he now?
Why did the link o twitter I posted get deleted? Simps defending in thread?
>>3784 Like I said reddit popularity contest. He was considered an annoying troll, so he was thrown under the bus. Ped, Lewis, the girls ect, are liked so they're free to do as they wish.
>>3786 this place is jannied hella weird generally you can't say anything negative, could be fans might just be to stop arguments
>>3787 ped is literally the replacement character for both the annoying redactdeds trolling they were endlessly defended to the point people were told to stop also
>>3802 >>3801 what did ped and boba do
>>3803 A mentally ill tranny (what a shock) fell out with Ped and is now trying to claim that their arguments constitute Ped attacking trannies. They also claim that Ped sexted with consenting adults which is apparently a bad thing because they assume everyone is a as weak willed simp like themselves.
>>3829 It reads like the bitter rantings of someone who invested to much time into someone who never reciprocated. It doesn't look like ped even ever manipulated them or abused his position of power, he just never cared yet they kept doing stuff for him.
lol just read Pedguins statement as usual the trannies think they are allowed to be cunts because they are "marginalized"
>>3829 literally in the yogs code of conduct to not use their heightened position to make sexual advances on anyone who is a fan regardless of if it's consenting
Saddens me that bouphe doesn't do OF. Why couldn't she be a slut like her sister.
>>3963 I mean she is but she complained about being sexualised so much she can't do it without being a massive hypocrite
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>>3985 True, you can kind of tell but she has built an image. I heard she had some pics leak back in the day that turned her against it, I think they got one of the old threads deleted. I do wish she would think of the money and swallow her pride.
>>3986 I mean she wouldn't even have to be like osie. Something similar to lydia would be great. Oh well, no point getting hooked on an impossible thought.
>>3986 She already has a bunch of fat lonely Simps giving her thousands for her crappy 2 hour streams every other week
>>3986 she did years ago but only have a few
>>4006 Omg stop sexualizing her you pervert
>>4006 We are paying the price for the mistakes of the past.
>>4006 God, I'd love the full set.
>>4013 They are the only good ones that exist, there was a full set when she went by girljoy and glitterblitz or something like that but it only exists in a torrent that only downloads to like 30% then stops, I spent months trying to get them but I think they are lost forever.
>>4010 im not she did herself idiot, why are you here
>>4016 Bruh sarcasm
Anyone got those leaks on lolxp
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>>4042 She's been very militant on leaks so I think people have been scared off. Also I think it's unfair how Gem teases her tits but won't do OF to show them.
apparently a troon tried to drug and Not allowed osie
>>4088 Was it viztee or the other tranny?
>>4088 >tranny tries molesting someone imagine my shock
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>>4098 Man she needs to work on her facial expressions, bitch looks worried and uncomfortable in every photo
>>4106 Have you seen a woman?
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>>4059 decentish fake
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>>4127 Says she is trying to find an affordable place to live in London. If she just these out I doubt it would be an issue.
>>2967 Woof
>>4149 What and the whole place goes up?
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{THESE ARE FAKE} 3 fakes i made want to make lydia and osie who else?
>>4245 Kirsty and bouphe
>>4247 if you can post some pics ill give them a try
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>>4261 Will these do?
>>4262 ill give them a go
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>>4261 they not the easiest but how are these?
>>4289 Pretty good. Makes me wish bouphe did OF. She looks even cuter with her tits out
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>>4294 damn boba is just straight up ugly sad!
>>4301 True that, still wanna see her tits though
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>>4304 2 fakes i made
>>4306 If only... it would have been so hot if she posted a top less picture with her hair covering her nipples
>>4308 dont think will ever happen
>>4482 I don't know why mousie hasn't this yet. Even if it was just like the first one it would be he most popular pic and it doesn't even show much.
>>4482 Also good job
>>4643 *lolxp
Seems lolxp does do the good stuff
>>4646 Like in private dms? Or are you talking about how she's ok with showing a little areola and lips?
>>4678 If you are a 'VIP' then you get the good stuff.
>>4644 >deleted damn I was too slow
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>>4006 you know she was under 18 in these right?
>>4767 And? Do you want a jew prize?
>>4767 no she wasn't you gullible retard
so i guess the cast is just not going to make any new content anymore? lol
Got this weird urge lately and have got to see Briony’s tits and more. Why? I really don’t know
>>5134 I feel you. Some real forbidden fruit situation.
Liking Lolxps new unrestricted attitude.
post more loxp and the place i got osie pics from got deleted anyone got new ones
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>>5461 I assume we will get some Christmas stuff from Osie soon. We'll see where that turns up.
>>5440 damn who's rich and can buy all of her vids
>>5550 I've seen some of her stuff turning up, not from the same place. Seems that she is not as strict on leaks as she used to be and people are more comfortable sharing.
Happy Christmas from Lydia! Surprised by the lack of Christmas content so far, maybe it's just delayed.
>>5560 Well hopefully they make their way here I only really know of here or coomer.
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Wish bouphe had some form of OF
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>>5706 Can never understand why Gemma doesn't have an onlyfans
>>6214 Mousies ass scratches my monkey brain
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Osie genuinely makes me feel ill
>>6792 Funny, haters, like you, do that to me
>>6792 In my mind I shouldn't like her but she fills a space that's just hits the spot when I need it. Need her to post some good shit soon.
There anything new from lolip?
Oh, Hi Rosie or Rulta
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Now that she has broken up with Zylus, how nsfw do we think Mousie will get?
sht ac/udpnPK
>>6828 damm didnt know they broke up but hopefully fully like osie slut out
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>>6850 She's not there yet but there has definitely been an improvement recently.
>>6858 nice going in the right direction
Actual Mousie flap in the latest set in the blue nightie. Full nudity before xmas, boys.
>>6864 you have post?
Mousie is doing dick ratings this weekend if you are into that.
>>6893 Damn she didn't wait long huh.
>>6895 Well congrats on your nice hog there anon.
>>6895 That's pretty good actually
Zylus the cuck holding the camera crying
>>6895 that was hot hm for a dick rating from her?
>>6911 It's over now but she said she wants to do it again later in the year.
>>6912 damm i hope more people share theres hearing her talking about dick got me going
Has anyone got osies latest ppv videos?
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more osie anyone got ppv vid?
What are the odds lolxpopgi gives us a vid of her getting fucked? We already moved way past the no nudity thing, so that’s the next step right?
I don't think it's likely. I'm sure lolxpopgi herself would be up for it at this point but I doubt her partner (Husband I think) is interested.
>>7075 theres vids of her using a fuck machine and dildo but dont think any real fucking
>>7121 we getting closer
>>7122 She posted on her OF basically saying she is going to take it more seriously. Says she won't do anything she isn't comfortable with but at this rate I could see OF becoming her main platform, then who says she won't be inclined to follow the money?
Osie seems to be active again thankfully
>>7410 you got anything new?
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>>7423 She says she's filmed something so hopefully its good. I've found some of her videos lack a good flow, especially the ones with her boyfriend.
Christ, did she forget the slimming filter on that one?
>>7458 ???
>>7471 She looks awful
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anyone have this before she pay walled it?
>>7479 okay your either blind or gay
>>7526 Nice, I hadn't seen that one. >>7515 I think that is this one.<- I don't know if it's just my dick talking but I feel like Mousie is on the edge of becoming more nsfw. Maybe not nude but right now her content is about her being hot and I think there's a chance it becomes sexual.
>>7538 these are good but i thought would be bit spicer as she made a big deal out of it being free but i also agree she is slowly getting more nsfw im here for it.
>>7543 Mousie doesn't go that far... yet
lets hope some day she does
>>7806 Honestly think it will be a flick of a switch. Just suddenly one day she will post nudes or something.
>>7832 dunno if she will go osie level but maybe
>>8087 Unlikely but if we get an ass shot like pic 2 it would be unreal.
>>8118 I mean come on!
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>>8145 new one without panties think it got removed
Osie just always looks like she needs a good wash
>>8271 ? shes always clean are you blind
>>8271 I'll wash with her.
Here come the osie simps
Mousie will do a video like this where her ass looks incredible buy it will only be 20 seconds. Frustrating in the worst way
>>8440 damm a nice ass one day she will go pantiles
>>9077 so good
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Anyone do the mousie dick rating this time?
Any updates?
Some osie
>>10303 I love mousies videos but they are just so short
>>10334 I just wish her vids would leak
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>>9077 >>9351 >>10303 weird how you didn't repost the one i watermarked
>>10373 I appreciate you posting mousie ass
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Someone had a photo of Sarah with some underboob, anyone still got it
>>10976 I would be interested in seeing that
Apparently lolips doing dick ratings, expensive but with her content, surely she delivers?
What's the possibility that lydia has split with her partner? Anyone have insider information?
