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shakinit c. 2008 05/31/2022 (Tue) 18:49:30 No. 639
The golden age of dancing videos in my opinion, the names of my favorites around that time were dancinblndygrl, dancebrittanydance, eva6rose. Anyone got any of those or similar from that era?
Ashlei Noel aka Tastie2010
Golden age indeed. Bootyfix is still up, videos date back to 2008. I urge everyone to back up everything you have to new drives and online. AI upscaling (e.g., Topaz Labs) has gotten good. Start upscaling your favorites!
Any kallymarie2 vids
kaceylbaby left my balls dry for years
bump for her videos
lol, the days when teenage girls only had youtube to upload to
does anyone have blueeyedxxblond video archive?
>>1038 her videos are on bootyfix
>>1038 they only take bicoin on bootyfix and they wont even take that and its all "VIP" help out.
Sexylilrebelxo my fav
>>1057 yes! I remember her mentioning she was going have a new site. Same with devadadiva, neither materialized (that I know of). There's got to be unseen stuff out there.
Audi went by paperchwippxx or something like that
>>1077 if either of you guys upload blueeyedxxblond, i'll upload the complete paperchwippxx set.
did the vid of melody jai getting fucked ever get out? the screenshots were post on the OG version of anonib
Anyone got Santanaorchdork? Heard she had a shower video but havent seen it
to bad you there is no way on bootyfix cause you cant even pay them. is there at torrent or something anyone knows about?
Any santanaorchdork?
>>1161 Can't you pay them bitcoin or some shit
>>1171 >>1171 only if you live in a third world country
love Taynaomi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQOFuGALWZo
>>1204 She sells get her nudes
can anyone with a bootyfix account get me this? it wont let me pay them lol blueeyedxxblond
any1 remember a chick by the name of like destiny marie or some shit like that? white girl, big ol booty twerking. years and years and years ago
>>1222 missdestinypaige?
>>1227 >missdestinypaige yes thank you that was driving me insane
I have some from this time period. I purged a few years ago but if anyone's interested I can share a list. But I want some of the stuff from bootyfix if you got it. Some of the names I got are snowbunnyxo3, donnademmers
Destiny Taylor chubby white girl huge tits
>>1222 AF 35n1lb9cy2/missdestinypaige_7z
anybody got the full collection of teenageslut69?
Did she ever do anything recent or more than the one strip vid? She was a firecracker!
I miss this era of YouTube.
Dancingqueen026... never did get to see her fully naked
>>1208 where?
Where do people even post >1 minute twerk videos these days? YouNow in 2014 was the last hurrah and since then nothing but strippers on instagram. And speaking of YouNow is there anything like bootyfix or shakinitforum (RIP) for it?
blueeyedxxblond gf /d/JXsDC7 pw is the site we are talking about up that audi please, I lost my set of her
>>1398 Password if not working?
>>1254 how to access?
btdig torrent site, look for privatevids, 120 gig of all old videos you are looking for
>>1398 bump for pw
>>1403 goat.
PW hint pls?
>>1398 pw not working pls help?
someone reup blueeyedxxblond plz
>>1417 doesnt matter no one knows the pw
>>1418 he said what the PW was.
>>1419 No he didn't
>>1419 what is it
>>1421 >pw is the site we are talking about >>1424 >pw is the site we are talking about
>>1425 it doesn't work.
haha I thought pervs had stronger deduction skills. Sorry guys, the pw is shakinit. The material is only soso though, upped more for the guy who asked for it
someone asked for santanta as well good shit is gof d/kfoVK2 same guy, same pw
H7YKVk sorry, correct link
>>1428 >>1427 >>1429 Thank you based anon
Does anybody have MissWhiteDancer - Ayo Technology Dance? I've been looking for it for a while. I want to AI Upscale it.
Anybody have dbbdiamond's collection ? Also went by gyalsexy and diamondwine
password for the 120gb should be anonib or anon if I remember
that file was gone so quick lol
Anyone has any other Youtube classic? Like BeccaDex? Which was unfortunately deleted from ML.
the torrent still works!
Anyone know who this girl dancing to Framing Hanely's cover of Lollipop is? xv1de0s.c0m/video1158691/lollipop
In that era, a 12 year old me with a spandex fetish was very happy with SFW Youtube. Any help identifying these accounts would be appreciated. Uploaded sometime before August 3rd 2008 based on file metadata and after April 2006 based on the codec used, but in the FLV days Youtube wasn't writing author file metadata in a format I can access now.
Did the girl in the op pic ever show boobs? Was dying to see that body
>>1745 If there is I've never seen it, the only ones are where she takes her bottom off briefly at the end and one where she dances topless but facing away from the camera
>>1508 Re MissWhiteDancer, I have that video here. If anon has "Ohhhh Dance..." I'm missing that one. She also went by SuperShazzaD.
>>1508 Also adding this one where someone added crazy German techno over the vid. It's the best video from that era.
>>1761 What was OP's username? I legit went to high school with her (she was on the dance team) and I remember the a little "scandal" when people found the vids
Lol I tried to post a yearbook photo but the admins took it down (should have blurred all the names). Name is Jenny
Is a dental hygenist now, married
Yall really in here sharing non nude dance videos? There should be a virgin category. Not for the girls but for the dudes looking for garbage like this.
>>2226 if you dont recongnize before tik-tok there was this, and that these are the mothers of the tik-tok whores. you are missing the point. also, youtube whores would make 3-5 min nude vids, your tik-tok whores are trying to charge 99.99 over cashapp for 5 second nudes. lol
What site is the link for?
her name popped up in my head too so it's funny others remember her. possible to re-up?
i still have the lindsexx collection that was another goo done
>>2451 Lindsexxx was a piece lol can you post it?
Does anybody remember Lakanbaby?
ill post lindsexx if i can get an upload of missdestinypaige as i am missing that one
>>2502 The link in the previous post still works 35n1lb9cy2/missdestinypaige_7z
i must be entering something wrong because it doesnt work for me and says not available but i will upload the lindsexx anyway
lindsexx...so hopefully someone can help me decipher the mdp Not allowed.. GF / d /qInLAx I also have 6 vids of ajmt24 , she was another classic girl that had great content
Who got jogagymnast9411
Santanaorchdork reup?
how do I access the destiny paige download? what is AF?
>>2533 anon files
anyone have emily miller?
Anyone have the msnewbooty collection? all the torrent links don't work and the ML quality is shit. I lost my 300gig folder guys or I'd upload a bunch of shit for you>>639 >>639
>>2511 Could you upload ajmt24?
>>2516 The complete collection was posted here before AF /8aT3E5V7ye/yogagymnast_rar hopefully more people will unhoard>>2516
>>2567 here's the 11 vids from bootyfix - idk if there is overlap with the other guy AF /e7Y9E7Vcy7/ajmt_rar
Anyone ever get the audi collection?
>>2516 Wish someone would unearth some hidden gems of this bitch same with Kallymarie2
anyone have kendra lamar?
>>2597 Assuming it doesn't get posted before I'll post it tomorrow
anyone got shebangs80z or brandigirlz133
>>2603 >>2597 Here is the Kendra link - anonfilesDOTcom/Ncneq0Way8/KL_rar >>2596 There was one nude video of her but I lost my collection maybe by some chance someone else will have it
can anyone post loves2dance1618 specifically the video in the black dress she is on bootyfix but for some reason i cant seem to get my account back
awinningpairace is another one that I can't find anything for
>>1398 any reuploads
>>639 Kind of related, has anyone ever gotten the Private Twerk site rip before it went down?
Anyone have Thezebrastipes ?
>>2577 are there any more?
Anyone have anymore of her? I know they exist
>>1233 What else have you got?
Can a person even sub to bootyfix anymore? With out bitcoin?
>>639 Assuming this post doesn't get deleted I found more content on Audi (Previous link and post was deleted for some reason?) I will be back in a day or two to post what I have
>>2634 >loves2dance1618
>>2634 Here you go. I would really love to find some of the other 1245mausi or dsdsmaus124567 videos. I have all the ones off bootyfix and motherless. There used to be more, but I lost them years ago. She's still online on tiktok etc... but I've never seen any more semi-nude stuff from her.
(707.31 KB 1200x1007 Blueeyedxxblond - bikini 5.jpeg)
Any blueeyedxxblond? Nothing left but thumbnails
Any kaceylbaby complete collection?
(61.58 KB 1242x1220 IMG_3673.jpeg)
(63.62 KB 1242x1286 IMG_3672.jpeg)
(62.84 KB 1242x1304 IMG_3671.jpeg)
Anyone know where this girl’s videos are? She only had a few but I defo had a thing for her and she could move. But, I can’t find anything anywhere. These are screenshots from a mix video on ooty fix but theres nothing else. I know she did Pretty girl twerk… I feel like her name might be Kry$t! $m!th but I don’t know for sure
>>3238 Here is what I have been able to find of the Audi collection pulled from ML. Unfortunately quality isn't the best but I did upscale some of them for those who want higher res/quality however file sizes are a little larger as I did no re-encode them to preserve the quality so for whoever wants her stuff here it is. Hopefully this post doesn't get removed again @nonfiles - Low quality from ML /Qdnel2l6ze/Audi_LQ_rar -Upscaled to double the res/quality improved with higher file sizes /udc4l9l7zc/Audi_Upscale_rar
does anyone have mieesha janae?
>>3311 @nonfiles /K3da26q6zc/Krystle_Smith_rar
Anyone have the old Haylee blaze videos?
>>3982 @nonfiles /49C4m6y4z4 /kdCbm2yfzd/ looking for a complete collection of dancinblndygrl
>>3312 Does anybody have the complete original files for Papercwipp videos? This post is great but the mless rips are low res / quality and also missing several videos. If any anon out there still has Papercwipp's full set please reup.
Did you faggots forget this is a porn site? Post your gay dance videos somewhere else.
anyone got waltertoi/dressagebaby?
>>1305 I wish, I'm still looking
>>4075 af bTcD815z3 Waltertori_vw11301_rar
>>4092 Link isn't working for me for some reason
try this YbTcD815z3 (backslash) Waltertori_vw11301_rar
>>4103 yep that worked , you don't also happen to have xloveisnteverythingx? Thats one that I've really been looking for
Any1 got Evie dance videos?
>>4109 >>3982 af /xbP1m322z8 /blaze_haylee_m_rar
>>4109 /jdv0n221zb /xloveisnteverythingx_rar
thanks for sharing! anybody got Teenageslut69?
bump, anyone got the ddomnisor21 video from bootyfix?
how do you even get a bootyfix account now?
only ddomnisor21 video on bootyfix anybody got complete papercwipp? or dancinblndygrl?
Silvia Gonzalez (Silvia G) was a little later (2013-2015) but great vids none the less. Anyones have any Silvia Gonzalez videos?
xxcuddles94xx was amazing. Some of her vids are are still up, but others were deleted. Does any chad have some saved?
>>4111 second that, some Evie videos please.
anyone got the sabrina rouzzo videos theres bunch on bootyfix
Is there any lilly2133 videos anywhere anymore
(165.51 KB 404x622 SCR-20231001-nir.png)
anyone have tiffanydatheadgame twerking to bend it over" its on bootyfix, i busted so many nuts to it
(221.00 KB 1144x646 SCR-20231001-q2c.png)
why does Bootyfix only accept Bitcoin? I'd literally subscribe for certain vids if that wasn't the case.
Can i get a reup on any of the links
did dancingqueen026 have any more than the 4 vids that always show up on the sites?
Could someone upload dizjennuh's vids from bootyfix please?
bump for papercwipp aka audi
i'm tryna find an old YT twerk vid i used to have but lost. it had a short petite blonde twerking in a thong. i don't remember the name of the girl but i do remember that the file was named Tru Balla - Eat It Up Twerk or something like that. hoping mayb someone here has this
bunkrr /a/ 1IrMrzcX Lots of winrars, can anyone help with the password? Paperwipp, waltertori etc
Anyone get the password for the rars?
>>5654 Bump for password
k.01.bulgakova bulgakovacathy usersdrive.com/17sy8bgutn4b.html usersdrive.com/san4abxc45fp.html
>>1691 btdig site died this month. sad. can't find torrent again. only was missing 3 folders but have rest if anyone needs
>>5837 Got one for swagbooty69? Might be listed as toni.tyler
>>5839 got taken down search archive of this site google swagbooty69 xebonix toni tyler
>>5840 anonibarchive.com/yt/res/639.html
>>4781 they moved to bitcoin because AWS S3 was too public. have the videos were gone anyways off there. best bet is mom less
(231.41 KB 1529x1289 Screenshot 2024-01-28 173547.jpg)
go to btdig and search twerk. you can find alot of videos. privatevideos is another full section
found a classic vtbe.to/kmncj86azpht.html
ahh its Alee Daley. hot...where are the other vids?
comma for each wrx61uopfa64,prkry710ublt,uelqjs521q6x,t99b0kbbv71s,yrvs5zax8kmr,hpuhnxkmqrgl,42ox3c8hxw4m,lxb9q3zz3np5,m0yeyl2b9zrq,qcmf6ltv63ue,f7os3k2c0mzb,b7n6khail3p1,kmncj86azpht,66no074l3w0g,
julianna. format is vtbe(dot)to/(each id below)(dot)html x6hgihqevop7,7e0bx06wb1j3,6yj363970ntf,8dt6tkoxvvxu,yumh6ig7f8qf,t0s58uvipdov,31nkv4bbw3zg,7lmhcslv6nhc,92vzfvgmt7w2,c858v9d663hg,cic959g34jue,t7fp9naq8yum,
thanks for finally being able to find this
>>5887 cheers here is ana ksk6vyx47ntk,3c91u4hxupre,mvq36klvqrt6,5ypczj4p0dkd,l1pt5cmbjtwz,y7iqs8x7j2ju,w8lp8bwq2gm2,cps5boa1fpm3,
>>5930 aubree is legal. cheers to those who share and aren't white knights bdj7hlbaxnaz,8zmqsmu3cng9,ff0d9rwsunae,gelsimsrhwg6,qvz65k8dxfx9,8h5hhc0ai5ie,kllerve4g9dl,7be18sn7doja,fhu6vkqacvqf,tqq3b87du5o6,evwuuri8a6f2,pzye3tpc49ce,dx3o5hd5ll8z,7875h3o917ox,d4qxhtonx6nf,oy9yvpzcruli,k6equrnmbo0a,npmjleq93qrg,
>>5932 heated youtube lol
just go to tr1butedboardpics and you can find all this stuff guys
>>5934 yeah....and make an account there you can never delete without paying the admins through an email LOL
im seeing some of this under hISpaS2xy.org/us but not all of it. like random clips
>>5937 holy bump!@!
one of the best clips in history is swagbooty69 vtbe.to/vtzono8v43sj.html
>>5939 I haven't seen this in years! long live this thread
i think those went down. anyone got?
186 posts wow share the wins
saved anonibarchive.com/yt/res/639.html
>>5940 >>6012 annoying but tahnhks
anyone have any hana shaniqua?
Does anyone have a full collection of bluenyelloweyez?
Anyone have the ijanie vids?
>>6186 Anyone? Apparently has some unseen stuff
Any Lakanbaby?
Anyone got Skylar aka Pookie's full collection
Agreed, any Lakanbaby? I made a post about her this morning but it seems to have gotten deleted for some reason
>>6315 She’s my favorite. There used to be some on m-less but I can’t find them anymore
pdrain/u/Qc6JFUQw heres lakan
>>6325 I don’t know this site. Any help?
My kind sir, Thank you for posting all of those wins. 🥰
>>6325 How do you access this file?
>>6332 >u/Qc6JFUQw pixel drain/u...
>>6340 Thank you so much for the info, and thanks to the poster!
I think I still have my old collection of all these YT twerkers. It was organized by name and everything. Might have to boot up the ol harddrive and look. These were some of the best faps of my life
Bluenyelloweyez anyone?
bump for papercwipp full set, not the mom less rips
>>6400 Boot it up homie, let's do some porn archeology. Looking for old stickam rips too
>>6400 Lets Go
>>6493 only could find two still online. search on absolugirl
>>3982 >>4113 I have them. I can either share on vtube or usersdrive lmk usersdrive for zipped folder usersdrive a3jjsxg6q0en can also search usersdrive clandestine vtube each file name if you want to want directly and download. vtbe(d0T)to/<enter below id for each vid>(d0T)hTm| 22qh0pmsruqw,y0izlkp5drpx,y9p7vf8vyygf,bl85txc6rzyw,7xuw9aq8s6ju,flteyg32rh7d,u322kxul6jg3,1ckkrl59mzip,dg2bt67eushj,r128pf9vnszq,v846f21qkr92,yl7d3etvprvu,kvar4e3vat43,mc1ovgs08c1q,gqzjsr3dlqrb,fqwge9p0k8f2
>>6883 what a hero thanks
>>6876 Do you have caitlyn williams?
Any hotealyce from mless? All but one video are gone.
Can any kind anon please reup the original flv set for Papercwipp (Audi) / Papercwippx3? Years ago on the old anon-ib, two different anons posted their full Papercwipp sets long after she had stopped dancing. One set that was upped had everything she ever made in the original flv quality. Hoping a kind anon saved those sets somewhere and can reup them.
>>6340 Gone:(
can anyone get the madison mcbride videos from bootyfix?
>>7135 media*fire.com/fi*le/itsm70ugmq*jgku9/MadMc*B.zip/file remove *
>>7225 doesn’t work?
>>7227 give this a shot MF /file/chl3u84oiuskogs/McBride.zip/file
>>7235 Just directs to a movie DL lol
>>7236 Give this a shot... Go file .io /d/ md0jNc
(463.14 KB 1024x838 1501279728421.jpg)
Has anyone ever found this video of yls3?
Anyone know if Viclovesyou1 has anything else other than whats on bfix
>>2511 >lindsexx I'm dumb apparently, what site is this?
>>7296 She has an onlyfans now but she did not age well. Tiddys longer than a monday.
>>7412 this happens a LOT with women who are 11/10s in their early and later teens ive found that the bitches who were solid 7s are still 7s or better lots of bitches who were 10s and 11s are MASSIVE now or have 3 kids and have been trained like no tomorrow
>>3612 does anyone have this to reup?
anyone know how to get bootyfix vip?
(108.15 KB 787x463 image.png)
anyone got this video?
its on bootyfix called "4chan sauce attemp 2" if anyone can get it
Anyone have a full collection of MissHouston759/dayuminacan? Were sone masturbation vids too that aren’t online anymore
Anyone got more on this redhead who danced in a thong from around that time?
There u go. I have a BootyFix account so I can download stuff if you want
bump dancingqueen026. goat body
I can never get bootyfix to send me the confirmation email
>>7974 Many thanks! Do you think you could get all of Kaceylbaby?
(8.82 KB 480x360 HiVKsQaXfaM_hqd.jpg)
(8.92 KB 480x360 b5e025JGznM_hqd.jpg)
Anybody got these or Skylar's old content in general from Bootyfix?
>>7974 damn is there more of them???
>>7974 any of moely17101. also went by moely171012
Anyone got babygracie_1234 also goes by graciemariev videos?
(11.67 KB 280x157 Shorts_042.jpg)
>>8121 Anyone have a lead on this vid? Cant seem to find it anymore.
Reup for moley?
>>8240 file DOT io SLASH e7sWnbuH58Hh
gone already. another reup?
(6.86 KB 1226x120 Untitled.png)
>>8250 idk where else to go, they get deleted. Media Fire . com SLASH file SLASH h23imw44tngqkr4 SLASH Moely DOT zip SLASH file
Could someone grab “ k00kied0ughy0 Grinddddd on me” from bfix?
>>7974 can you please get lauren2181 off bootyfix
any roxijava36/vegasbabi777/ohyesdani? same chick different names
did missdestinypaige have any good vids or just the stuff on the AF
asking because ive literally hacked accounts in this website and have some peoples personal emails because the support email send in their own website searches their fcking sql table idiots, so you can only send emails to valid users on their sql db exmaple admin admin2 password and USER are all real accs attached to the sql table 2 of them ive brute forced
>>9243 They deleted my post above??? I asked how someone on here has access to BF pr3m1um I also want access
>>9243 So you gonna share the info you got or??
Could someone reup the LakanBaby vids?
>>9243 How do you do this
>>7974 can you please get the sexykitteh111 videos? Seems like bootyfix is the only place left that has them
Can someone get girlnextdoor859 Cassie- Me&U on bfix please
(85.82 KB 711x543 Giuliana 5.jpg)
(66.40 KB 720x545 Giuliana 2.jpg)
(51.49 KB 715x536 Giuliana .jpg)
(9.55 KB 225x165 Giuliana 7.jpg)
(75.27 KB 708x545 Giuliana 6.jpg)
(103.14 KB 697x530 Giuliana 8.jpg)
Sorry for the shit quality but these are some of the screen caps of her. Anyone have any leads?
Bump for papercwipp / Audi, if anybody has her full set please reup? She was the best on shakinit.
Report lakan? Did bluenyelloweyez ever have thong?
>>9856 Seems she did, but all her stuff has been deleted
>>9282 This
Can someone post all of bluenyelloweyez
>>9881 Second this
Could someone uploaded a full collection for 12haileybaby?
anyone have BrandiGirlz133 videos, looking for the collection
Can anybody reup the links please. Most seem to be broken
for those who are still looking for links your best bet is to go to en.btdig.com and search privatevids as the torrent. no site will keep up links that long. this thread is almost a decade old
>>639 She used to watch me j/o on yahoo IM
>>12737 Recommended ways to torrent over tor?
>>12841 Better buy mullvad VPN by sending them cash
