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Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:22:49 No. 9495
>>9497 I missed this one. Did you get it?
yea could we get a gofile? pixeldrain?
>>9495 ty for share. First rule of YT club, DL it in 1080p as soon as you see! >>9505 I got you bro, I followed rule 1 GF /Ghgmej
Can’t find your GF bro
>>9514 It has 181 dls. GF .io/d/Ghgmej
>>9516 >d/Ghgmej ive seen a few of hers, shes always flashing but i imagine she mid 20s
>>9510 you are my hero, thx
>>9517 Whats her account?
hEbeC3wDpC8 2.05 nn but a good shot
>>9519 @sparklerose5355
1-KjiGUHUmQ this one won't last long
>>9520 someone get this and the channel name ?
>>9522 Her recent short with her mom confirms 61 πŸ”„ Anyone save good nipslips?
>>9912 that hairy puff kills the mood
can you fucking retards stop getting baited by this granny? jesus christ
>>9912 Why is anyone getting excited about this nasty fuckin swamp donkey?
>>9922 because she talks like a retard and they all relate
>>9912 Bump more of this slut
>>9912 where the fuck is this from lol
CZ3sUHJYSl4 14.40
Bump. Rip sparklerose maybe her other channel will post something
>>9950 whats her other channel?
Vosnh85r8Y0 .29
KwvwSiEi5Ao 2:09
>>9950 her channel is back, but i think we will never see anything again since her mother is watching what she is posting
>>9964 mf that bitch is 30. god damn
>>9966 listen carefully 9gEsE0A6bZE
>>9967 bros never heard of age play before
Bitch is annoying and stupid and is milking what little attractiveness she has. We should all just wave goodbye.
>>9968 Are you actually fucking retarded? Or did you watch the short with her fucking ID in it? Room temp IQ here bud.
>>9967 wtf, bitch looks like 30
Let's see her pussy. Definitely not 16 lol she's playing y'all
16.....16 yrs ago lol
>>9972 get baited retard. must be nice to be so easily fooled all the time
>>9912 thats awesome, more?
giver her a year or 2 QQu-5mR8gpM
nuckTcoZG4Q 7:55
Any slips below?
>>9516 I would make this retard squeal
i want to rape her so bad
>>10007 Bruh
>>10007 Her thread on social media girlz was deleted. Don't know why
>>10007 Vid?
pretty hot for a GILF
>>10012 Maybe because she's 16 fgt
>>10016 Definitely in her 20's
she showed her id or license or student card. shes 16 yall a bunch of idiots
use code: 06SHqo
>>10019 Like fake IDs and fake student cards don't exist clown lol when I was 12 I used fake IDs to purchase beer
>>10022 i never ever heard of a fake ID to make you younger. are you retarded?
>>10023 It's called age play idiot. You must be incest because your retarded as fuck.
Now if she sees this she will know someone she talks to is a snake πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good job anon
>>10025 >>10364 are you talking to a wall?
Their comment isn't there anymore, so yes. I am talking to a wall.
Re up that shit
I wonder if more of her is gonna turn up.
>>10007 quite interrested by that mp4
>>10508 How to enter?
>>10507 Same anyone have the vid?
>>9997 Is this a bunkr link? How do any of these links work?
>>10514 you tbe url at the end when playing a video, lots of sparklerose vids have been deleted
>>10515 Got it. Thank you!
